Monday, June 6, 2011

Great Race Day One- From Mar's Point of view...

Hah. I refered to myself in the title in third person. Tee-hee.

Okay. Well. As Thalia said in the post before this, we have this field day thing called the Great Race. What did you, well...color...yeah...partner pride...yes...pickles...uh're doing three events all together? Lucky...

Well, to say more on the penguins and pickles, it started with a pickle penguin named Red. I started telling the story to Mr. K (Reading teacher), but had to go cheer my team. Meanwhile, Thalia finished telling Mr. K the story. But she thought Red was a pickle, not a penguin. So Red became a pickle penguin.



Oh, and I SUCK at throwing. Just saying.

Now, I must show you this penguin with a pickle SHIRT...

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